菲律賓選定2016年前優先推動之漁業研究暨發展策略菲律賓農業部及國會委員會推動農漁業現代化不遺餘力,為打造菲律賓成為全球海洋水產中心,特擬訂「2025年農漁業展望」(A&F 2025)報告。農業研究局(BAR)引用該報告說明,現在年出口收益僅70,000萬至80,000萬美元的菲律賓漁業,有創造100億美元的空間與潛關鍵字廣告力。BAR遂依有否助於漁民生計及增加外匯收益等標準,選定鮑魚、石斑魚、虱目魚、蟳、牡蠣、鯰魚、rabbitfish、海參、海藻、蝦、吳郭魚、鮪魚等12樣水產品,做為2016年前漁業研究暨發展(R&D)策略優先推動重點。菲律賓漁業研究發展優先推動水產品相關工作依序為:對年出口收益達40,000萬美元的鮪魚,利用借錢地理資訊系統繪製洄遊路徑、設法提升出口鮪罐附加價值;研發體質強健、不易染病的國產蝦苗,蝦年出口產值達7,000萬美元;成立能鑑定海藻優良胞子原生質及資源監控系統的基因銀行,加強提高海藻資源量領域的研究;發展價廉物美及對生態無害的吳郭魚養殖法;提升虱目魚育卵管理、營養調理、培育幼魚等繁殖有巢氏房屋技術。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 15/2011,16 Aug 2011) FOCUS SET FOR FISHERIES R&D UNTIL 2016The government has identified 12 commodities as the focus of its fisheries research anddevelopment (R&D) efforts till 2016, due to their potential as foreign exchange earnings 室內設計andsources of rural livelihood, the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) said.The country’s export revenue from the fishery sector reaches US$700-800 million annually,but its potential is as much as US$10 billion, the bureau reported, citing the Agriculture andFisheries 2025 賣房子Visioning (A&F 2025) report. It identified 12 priority commodities such asabalone, grouper, milkfish, mud crab, oyster, pangasius, rabbitfish, sea cucumber, seaweed,shrimp, tilapia and tuna.A&F 2025, which was drawn up by the Agriculture department and the CongressionalCommission 酒店打工on Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization, indicates that the Philippines canbecome a global seafood and aquamarine center.Tuna, one of the country’s main dollar earners which generates an estimated US$400 millionin annual export, tops the government’s fisheries R&D efforts. 貸款Measures involve mappingthrough geographic information system of migratory patterns of tuna, as well as ways to addvalue to canned tuna exports.For shrimp, which contributes US$70 million to annual fisheries exports, there is a need tocome up with Philippine-bred, disease-free 房屋買賣broodstock. Seaweed R&D initiatives include theestablishment of a gene bank for the identification of quality seaweed germ plasm and of astock monitoring system, as well as a study on stock enhancement. For tilapia, the R&Dagenda focuses on the development of low-cost, 買屋網high-quality and environment-friendly feeds.Another popular species, milkfish, needs improved hatchery techniques involving broodstockmanagement, nutrition, larval rearing and handling. 

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